Inaugural AUSD Delegation Launches South Korean Educators Exchange Adventure 

    Provided by the Alhambra Unified School District

    Summer usually marks a time for teachers to slow down their pace and decompress after a year of hard work and dedication. But for 12 Alhambra Unified School District (AUSD) educators, the pressure accelerated as they closed out the school year, gathered travel documents, prepared lessons, packed, and headed across the globe for an enriching educator exchange program in South Korea in conjunction with Edupeoples and subsidized by ministries of education. The whirlwind adventure enabled them to be immersed in the vibrant culture of South Korea while fostering a deep exchange of educational practices and ideas.

    The delegation, comprised of AUSD educators Larry Ambriz, Ralph Hernandez, Monica Hinojos, Stephanie Johnston, May May Lee, Huey Lien, Calvin Ly, Janice Phan, Page Phillips, I Tran, Marine Wei, and Susie Young, took off the day after Memorial Day to embark on a journey that involved teaching lessons at local schools, professional dialogues with South Korean counterparts, attending the international Glocal Education Fair, and exploring important historical and cultural landmarks. Some of the AUSD educators had never met each other before, or only knew each other by name. But by the end of this shared experience, they came home as lifelong friends.

    According to Susie Young, TK teacher at Emery Park, “This experience was truly amazing and eye-opening. Interacting with South Korean educators and students not only broadened my understanding of global education but will enrich my teaching practices when the students return.”

    The program was a result of a continuing partnership between AUSD and Edupeoples, spearheaded by Jaden Choi. This partnership has already seen over 100 students and educators from various schools in South Korea welcomed by AUSD, and over 30 AUSD students have traveled to South Korea to experience unique learning opportunities. “We are so grateful for their gracious hospitality and for providing us with this incredible opportunity,” remarked Ynez principal Janice Phan, reflecting on the warm reception and insightful experiences throughout their stay. “Jaden and his team took such good care of us and treated us like family.”

    This international exchange will impact the participants’ personal and professional growth. May May Lee, instructional coach at Northrup, stated, “Being part of this exchange has motivated me to incorporate global perspectives into my work to help ensure students are prepared for an interconnected world.”

    Their adventure was showcased at the June 25th Board of Education Meeting, where the team of educators shared detailed accounts of their experiences and insights, and expressed their hope that other AUSD educators will be able to participate in similar exchanges.

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