At the March 10 meeting, the Alhambra City Council commended Alhambra High School’s Academic Decathlon Team and Boys Soccer Team for their recent achievements, declared March to be Women’s History Month in Alhambra, and named three new parks to expand green spaces in our city.
The Council recognized the Alhambra High School 2025 Academic Decathlon Team for winning first place in the 43rd Annual Los Angeles County Academic Decathlon. The team excelled in 10 subject areas, earning a total of 47,430 points and winning 71 medals, including 41 gold medals.
The Council also congratulated the Alhambra High School Boys Soccer Team for their championship victory in the Alhambra Unified School District Cup. This marks the third consecutive year that the team has won the tournament, with a record of nine wins, two losses, and one draw.
Mayor Lee proclaimed March 2025 as Women’s History Month in Alhambra. The proclamation will be mailed to the National Women’s History Alliance. March 2025 was also proclaimed as Red Cross Month in Alhambra, with the proclamation being sent to the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross.
As part of the city’s 2024 Strategic Plan to expand green spaces, the Parks and Recreation Commission proposed new names for three new parks. The pocket park at Fremont and Hellman Avenue will be named Little Midwick Park. The first-ever dog park adjacent to the Golf Course will be named Alhambra Pup Plaza. The expanded green space at the vacated Story Park pool will be named Serenity Circle.