Laser Treatment for Snoring

    NightLase is a non-invasive laser treatment done to reduce snoring. It works by contracting the collagen and tightening the tissues in the back of the throat. That helps to open the airway and reduce vibrations which improve breathing and reduces snoring.   

    67% of the people snore, 80% of the snorers have some type of sleep apnea.

    Naturally, when we breathe, the air travels from the mouth/nose through the airways and reaches the lungs. When we are awake, muscles keep that pathway relatively open but when we are asleep, the muscles relax and allow the air paths to narrow. Snoring typically occurs when air passes through the constricted path between the tongue and the soft palate, causing vibrations of the soft palate. 


    Age: Muscle tone tends to decrease with age, making older individuals more susceptible to snoring.

    Lifestyle: The use of alcohol or sedative medications can relax the muscles of the upper airway, increasing the likelihood of airway collapse. 

    Smoking: Smoking can lead to inflammation and fluid retention in the airway, contributing to obstruction.

    Obesity: Building more fat and increasing the volume of tissue can constrict the airway, leading to more obstructions.

    Is NightLase safe?

    Yes. Fotona laser uses Nd: YAG – 1064nm wavelength and Er: YAG- 2940 nm wavelength of laser energy to induce collagen remodeling — initiating type III and type I collagen. It is safe and gentle to the sensitive tissue of the palate and the tissue inside the mouth, and at the same time is strong enough to produce clinical results.  

    What are the benefits of NightLase?

    It is a non-invasive procedure, so there is no surgery or downtime required. The procedure itself is painless, requires no anesthetic, and most people report only mild warming or slight discomfort in the throat during the procedure. 

    NightLase is effective in reducing snoring in 80% of the people.   

    When considering NightLase, please keep in mind that a full treatment of NightLase consists of three separate sessions. Each session is about 20-30 minutes and targets three areas: the floor of the mouth, the soft palate and uvula, and the back of the tongue.

    The results last up to a year and a maintenance session is done once a year after the initial treatment.  

    Untreated snoring can have significant negative effects on overall health, contributing to cardiovascular problems, cognitive impairment, and an increased risk of conditions like high blood pressure.

    Overall, NightLase is a safe and effective treatment for those looking to alleviate snoring and improve their quality of sleep. If you are considering this procedure, be sure to talk to a trained professional to accurately identify the root cause of your snoring and target it with appropriate treatment.  

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