A Year of Service and Growth: Reflections from AUSD’s First-Ever Student Board Member

    Justin Wang, AHS Class of 2024 graduate and AUSD’s former student board member, is now a student at UC Berkeley where he continues to seek leadership opportunities and find ways to make a positive impact on his community.

    Justin Wang, AHS Class of 2024 graduate and AUSD’s former student board member, is now a student at UC Berkeley where he continues to seek leadership opportunities and find ways to make a positive impact on his community.

    By Justin Wang, AUSD 2023-2024 Student Board Member

    As we welcome Keiko Rakin into her new role as the AUSD 2024-2025 student board member, Justin Wang shares his thoughts about his year in this student leadership role and its impact on him and the district.

    It’s hard to believe it was just one year ago that I took my official Oath of Office as Alhambra Unified School District’s student board member. Because I was the first student to serve in this role, I did not have a full understanding of what my role would entail, but I knew I wanted to set a positive example for my peers and to others who would follow me in this important position. 

    Every month, I looked forward to the Student Advisory Council (SAC) meetings at the district office, where my fellow SAC members and I held many meaningful conversations with district administrators and board members to understand and solve concerns in the district. The inclusive and open environment allowed me and my peers to voice our opinions in a safe and welcoming space.

    Throughout my term, I attended many community events hosted by various organizations. Although the food and activities provided were outstanding each time, I was most excited to represent the students of AUSD and establish a presence in discussions that directly affect us. Many other SAC members also attended these events, allowing important community members to recognize that students have a voice too. 

    For all students, especially those who want to run for student board member or other leadership positions, I highly encourage you not to be afraid to speak your mind and voice your concerns. One thing that I have learned this past year is that if you speak thoughtfully, clearly, and to the right audience, people will listen. Make sure to stay respectful and constructive, and many adults will value your comments immensely. You will amaze yourself at what you can do and who you can influence. 

    I would like to thank board members Mr. Bob Gin, Mrs. Kaysa Moreno, Dr. Marcia Wilson, Mr. Fred Chang, and Mr. Ken Tang, along with Superintendent Dr. Jaramillo Jaramillo (and so many others) who supported my journey, established this student leadership opportunity, and believed in me. It was my absolute honor to serve as the first-ever student board member of AUSD. Congratulations to Keiko Rakin, the new student board member! I worked with her closely during our year together on SAC and I know she will continue to represent students well and achieve many new milestones.

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